Alege unul dintre cele 160 de birouri in care ai putea lucra

Pentru fiecare dintre noi, cand vine vorba despre activitatea pe care o desfasuram zi de zi, este foarte important ca mediul si locul unde lucram sa ne ofere confortul necesar, sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine si sa ne ajute sa fim productivi, iar atentia indreptata catre aceste lucruri este perfect normala pentru ca deseori petrecem mai mult timp la birou decat acasa.

Se observa din ce in ce mai des o atentie sporita asupra detaliilor legate de: lumina naturala, elemente decorative moderne, coloristica, open space, zone de relaxare si de luat masa impreuna cu colegii.

Pana pe 2 decembrie se desfasoara cel mai mare targ de cariera din mediul online, Angajatori de TOP Virtual care gazduieste peste 160 de companii care ofera 9000 de job-uri, iar pe langa sansa de a-ti gasi jobul ideal, ne-am gandit sa venim in ajutorul tau si ti-am pregatit o selectie de poze care te va ajuta sa-ti alegi angajatorul inca dinainte de a avea interviul si prin prisma sediilor de lucru. 

Pentru moment, te invitam sa te bucuri de imaginile de mai jos si sa parcurgi descrierile companiilor pentru a identifica angajatorii care pot fi pe short list-ul tau, iar pentru a vedea si celelalte sediil ale companiilor participante, acceseaza platforma.

Cu siguranta dupa toate aceste informatii dorinta de a fi parte din echipa uneia dintre cele peste 160 de companii participante la Angajatori de TOP Virtual va fi si mai mare.


It’s a time of exciting change and new thinking at Microsoft. We’re focused on improving the day-to-day lives of our customers, delivering meaningful impact through ground-breaking technology and providing a truly unified experience.

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DB Schenker GBS Bucharest

DB Schenker Global Accounting Shared Service Center is the partner for Accounting Excellence for the entire DB Group. We handle the four main accounting processes from across the Group – Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets and General Ledger – and perform them centrally.

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At Genpact, we're the ones driving it. Each of us leads change by being curios, incisive and courageous in everything we do. Together, we turn everyday change into progress. Located at 300 m distance from Pipera Metro station, the whole building has been built to keep Genpacters sharp and efficient. Cozy lounge & social areas: 6 state of the art relaxation rooms, 400 parking places, bicycle parking with showers, Yoga studio and Afterschool.

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Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric is leading the Digital Transformation of Energy Management and Automation in Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries. With revenues of €24.7 billion in FY2016, our 144,000 employees serve customers in over 100 countries, helping them manage their energy by offering IoT-enabled solutions to seamlessly connect, collect, analyze and act on data in real-time delivering enhanced safety, efficiency, reliability, and sustainability.

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TELUS International Europe

TELUS International focuses on human connection and innovation to deliver exceptional customer service and next-gen IT consulting that wow clients and delight their customers. More than 30,000 employees around the world, from locations across North and Central America, Europe and Asia, enable over 200 million customer interactions annually via voice, email, chat and social media, across fast-growing tech, financial services and fintech, gaming, travel and hospitality, and healthcare industries.

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Carrefour Romania

Lumea Carrefour e mai mult. E despre oameni! Este despre diversitatea din organizatie, despre spiritul ei proaspat, despre emotia primului job si satisfactia pe care o ai cand poti fi de ajutor, despre prietenia fara varsta si bucuria de a fi bun in ceea ce faci.

ABS Software Development
Suntem o companie dezvoltatoare de programe software. Producem programe software din 1987. Astazi suntem un lider mondial in domeniul software-ului pentru ingrijirea si inchirierea de textile. Servim peste 450 de operatiuni din intreaga lume, sistemul ABSSolute fiind utilizat in aproximativ 40 de tari, sprijinind fusurile orare de la Tokyo la Los Angeles. Biroul nostru central se afla in Olanda, iar departamentul nostru de dezvoltare se afla in centrul Bucurestiului.

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Allianz Technology
At Allianz Technology SE, innovation is more a buzzword; it is the business of the day, every day. We are a professional expersise center offering a wide range of services: human resources, financial, actuary and IT support to the Allianz Group.

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Auchan Retail Romania
Auchan Retail este unul dintre cele mai importante lanturi comerciale, locul 11 in lume, prezent in 16 tari, cu peste 900 hipermarketuri si aproape 330.000 de angajati. Auchan Retail detine si alte canale de retail: supermarketuri, proximitate si comert online. Primul magazin din tara noastra a fost deschis la 7 noiembrie 2006, in cartierul Titan, iar in prezent Auchan Romania numara 33 de hipermarketuri si 10.000 de angajati.

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Automatic Data Processing - ADP Romania
They are a comprehensive global provider of cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions that unite HR, payroll, talent, time, tax and benefits administration, and a leader in business outsourcing services, analytics and compliance expertise. Their unmatched experience, deep insights, and cutting-edge technology have transformed human resources from a back-office administrative function to a strategic business advantage.

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Dell Technology

For more than 25 years, Dell has provided technology solutions to customers that improves their productivity, enhances their lives and meets their distinct needs. Headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, Dell has framed its business around the customers it serves, from the world's largest and most demanding businesses and public sector organizations, to small and medium businesses, to consumers worldwide.

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Kaufland Romania

Suntem o companie internațională din industria de retail, care pune accent pe performanta, dinamism si corectitudine. Impreuna formam o echipa puternica, in care fiecare angajat contribuie la succesul nostru. Locul tau e la Kaufland!

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Michelin Romania
Michelin Romania has +4000 employees, who speak 20 languages, working in 20 different fields of activity and covering over 300 different jobs. The professional development opportunities we offer, the benefits package and the way we take care that our employees build a meaningful and diverse career brought us the Employer of the Year award in 2018!  

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Mood Media
Mood Media is the global leader in elevating customer experiences. Romania is Mood’s Service Center, providing support for Mood Europe and Mood U.S. We count on our hardware and software products to propose the best In-Store Marketing strategy to our clients. Behind any technology, there are the people who manage it and provide support for it.

Bosch Service Solutions

Bosch Service Solutions, a global provider of business process outsourcing services, develops integrated and innovative service solutions in the fields of mobility, monitoring and customer experience. The site in Timisoara, that became part of Bosch Group in 2007, operates in two fields: Business Services and Shared Services.

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Endava is a leading IT services company with over 4 700 employees. Headquartered in London, our other offices are located in Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, and the USA. Our delivery centres are located in Central Europe and South America.

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Coca-Cola HBC Romania

Un job la Coca-Cola HBC Romania inseamna totodata oportunitati de afirmare si ambitia de a fi mereu printre cei mai buni, de aceea in anul 2015 am fost desemnati Cel mai Dorit Angajator din FMCG.

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BCR a creat cel mai amplu si consistent program de educație financiara din Romania, “Scoala de Bani”, prin cursuri pentru adulti si tineri, o expozitie mobila de educatie financiara pentru copii si o platforma digitală dedicata, toate acestea prin implicarea a peste 1.000 de profesori de educatie financiara, experti ai BCR.

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Electronic Arts Romania
EA Romania is now home to one of our most successful sports franchise development teams as well as our testing team and includes corporate functions such as Finance, IT and HR.
One thing that EA people over the world share is passion — passion to deliver the world’s best games! One location that so proudly typifies this is the Romanian campus in Bucharest.

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