Ce inseamna sa fii proactiv la locul de munca. Sfaturi si exemple concrete
15 companii la care poti sa lucrezi daca limba straina este un atuu pe care il ai in buzunar
Indiferent de domeniul in care iti doresti sa ai o cariera de succes, Angajatori de TOP Virtual este evenimentul potrivit pentru tine si dorintele tale. De ce? Pentru ca in cadrul celui mai mare targ de cariera din mediul online participa 160 de companii din toate domeniile.
De aceasta data atentia noastra se indreapta catre companiile care activeaza in zona de Servicii&BPO. Planurile mari de expansiune ale angajatorilor iti ofera o paleta vasta de job-uri potrivite indiferent de nivelul de experienta pe care il ai. Fie ca esti la inceput de cariera si vrei sa pui in aplicare cunostintele dobandite in timpul anilor de studiu sau esti pregatit sa iti duci cariera la un nou nivel, acceseaza job-urile din Servicii & BPO.
De asemenea, daca ai abilitati bune de comunicare, esti orientat catre client, iar atuul pe care il ai in buzunar este cunoasterea unei limbi straine esti cu un pas mai aproape de cariera mult visata, asa ca aplica la job-urile care iti atrag atentia. Job-ul ideal exista. Gaseste-l la Angajatori de TOP Virtual.

Technical support with french
Java Web Développeur avec French
Junior Accounts Payable with French
Accounting Analyst-IFRS 16 with French
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Do you speak more than one language?
Genpact is the perfect place to be! At Genpact, we're the ones driving it. Each of us leads change by being curios, incisive and courageous in everything we do. Together, we turn everyday change into progress.
Why Genpact?
Flexible working time; Extensive Learning Opportunities; Career Growth Opportunities; Continued Investment in Community; Global Leadership Programs; Employee Focused Benefits; Rewards & Recognition
Customer Service with German
Finance&Accounting opportunities with English
Advanced Accountant – R2R in Budapest, Hungary
Accounting with Spanish in Bucharest
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Teleperformance, liderul mondial pe piata serviciilor externalizate de management al experientei cu clientii, dezvolta in parteneriat cu companii importante din diverse industrii, strategii referitoare la relatia cu clientii acestora, folosind multiple canale de comunicare.
In Romania, si-a inceput activitatea in 2004 devenind in scurt timp lider pe piata locala. In prezent are peste 850 de angajati care vorbesc fluent italiana, franceza, spaniola, engleza, germana, rusa si poloneza.
Atención al cliente en español
Asistent servicii clienti limba germana B2
Customer Support with Russian language
Cliente Conseiller - Italiano
Conseiller Client - Français
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Bilingual French and English Speakers for Client Support
Bitcoin & Ethereum Superhero with Polish & English
Wi-Fi Tech Support with French & English
Order Support Specialist with Swedish & English
Wi-Fi Tech Support with German & English
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Service Desk Admin L1 with English
Accounts Payable with English & German/ French/Italian/Spanish
Content Review Analysts with Portuguese/French
Order Management with Russian/English in Timisoara
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Competence Call Center is an expanding company focused on outsourcing services with 15 locations in Berlin, Bratislava, Bucharest, Brasov, Istanbul, Leipzig, Dresden, Vienna, Zurich , Essen, Gdansk, Izmir, Dortmund and Paris.
Agent Call Center SPANIOLA - Turkish Airlines
Agent Call Center PORTUGHEZA - Ryanair
Agent Call Center FRANCEZA - Ryanair
Attractive job offer - Media Markt - GERMAN - Brasov
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Switchboard Agent with German
ECCC Knowledge Author with French and German/Italian
ECCC - Swiss French Customer Assistance
ECCC - Operations Manager with German
ECCC Knowledge Author with Spanish and Italian/German
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Total Group is world’s fourth-largest Oil and Gas Company, as well as a major integrated player in the Global Solar Industry. Backed by nearly a century of history we discover, produce, transform, market and distribute energy in a variety of forms, to serve the end customer. At Total, your talent can, if you wish, take you further than you can imagine.
Accounts Receivable with German
Junior Accounts Payable with English
Accounts Payable with Spanish
Accounts Receivable with Polish/Czech
Accounts Payable with French
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Premium Technical Support Specialist with French
Customer Support Limba Germana si Engleza
Suport Tehnic Limba Engleza - Partener Bitdefender - Valcea
Loyalty Specialist with German
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At Allianz Technology SE, innovation is more a buzzword; it is the business of the day, every day. We are a professional expersise center offering a wide range of services: human resources, financial, actuary and IT support to the Allianz Group.
Senior Buyer with French
IT Project Manager for DR Testing with German
IT FileService Architect with German
Project Manager IT with German
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British American Tobacco este una dintre cele mai mari companii multinationale, avand la nivel global mai mult de 50,000 de angajati si este lider de piata in peste 60 de tari. Atat diversitatea geografica, brandurile BAT, cat si oamenii talentati și strategia grupului au contribuit la pozitionarea BAT ca si angajator de top in multe tari.
Employee Administration Specialist with Turkish
Junior Analyst Accounts Payable with Hungarian
HR Contact Center with Polish
Junior Analyst Accounts Payable with Greek
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Bosch Service Solutions, a global provider of business process outsourcing services, develops integrated and innovative service solutions in the fields of mobility, monitoring and customer experience. The site in Timisoara, that became part of Bosch Group in 2007, operates in two fields: Business Services and Shared Services.
IT Helpdesk - German
Economist for External Accounting (General Ledger) with Czech
Travel & Expense Economist with French
Customer Master Data Economist with Spanish
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HP is a proven leader in personal systems and printing, delivering innovations that empower people to create, interact, and inspire like never before. We leverage our strong financial position to extend our leadership in traditional markets and invest in exciting new technologies.
We’re looking for visionaries who are ready to make an impact on the way the world works.
Customer and Sales Catalog Specialist - French & English
Operations Specialist with Italian / French
Collections Analyst with English
Operations Specialist with En/It/Es/Ger/Fr/Tr Skills
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Accounts Receivable Analyst with Italian
Internal Account Representative - Czech
Internal Account Representative - Slovak
Inside Partner Account Manager with Hungarian
Internal Account Representative - Russian
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Vocatia noastra este de a CREEA echipe profesioniste, de a SPORI competentele angajatilor nostri pentru a le oferi oportunități reale de dezvoltare a carierei și, în final, de a ne CONSTRUI propria identitate Cegedim Professional Services in Romania!
Consultant hotline (limba franceza)
Tehnician Suport Helpdesk (limba franceza)
Consultant HRIS (soft HCM)
Real World Data Analyst ( reporting to Corp Data Business Organization)
Specialist suport backoffice
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