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Afla care sunt cei mai hot angajatori cu cele mai multe joburi in cadrul Angajatori de TOP Virtual

Cat de bine crezi ca ti-ar prinde sa gasesti intr-un loc toate informatiile de care ai nevoie despre angajatorii tai preferati si numarul de joburi pe care acestia il pun la dispozitia candidatilor entry-level, middle si senior? Cu siguranta ti-ar fi de un real folos un astfel de material, asa ca mai jos gasesti listate companiile cu cele mai multe joburi pe platforma Angajatori de TOP Virtual impreuna cu descrierea acestora.
Mai mult decat atat, iti prezentam Top 5 joburi care pot fi considerate de catre tine ca fiind ideale, insa nu uita ca pentru a vedea lista completa a oportunitatilor de cariera trebuie sa accesezi platforma. Fii fara grija, ne-am ocupat si de acest lucru, astfel am creat la finalul fiecarei prezentari cate un buton care abia asteapta sa fie accesat de catre tine.
Job-ul ideal exista. Gaseste-l la Angajatori de TOP Virtual. Iti dorim mult succes si la cat mai multe aplicari care sa te conduca spre cariera mult visata.
Learning Specialist - I BS (TSR)
HR Learning Designer - TSR
Project Administration Support TSR
Learning Specialist - I BS (TSR)
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Pentru ca uneori ai nevoie de mai mult decat un simplu job, Lidl este echipa in care poti sa iti construiesti o cariera in retail. Noi credem in colegii pe care ii alegem sa ne fie alaturi si le punem la dispozitie numeroase traininguri si programe de dezvoltare profesionala.
TOP 5 joburi ideale
Manager Magazin Brasov
Asistent Manager - Expansiune Iasi
Consultant Regional Learning & Development
Logistics Team Manager - Roman
Sef Vanzari - Brasov, Buzau, Covasna
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58 de joburi

TOP 5 joburi ideale
Travel & Expense Economist with Czech
IT Helpdesk - German
Data Management Analyst
Virtual Community Expert
Trainer Intercompany
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TOP 5 joburi ideale
Relationship Manager Individuals
Garnishments Officer
Universal Teller
Credit Support Specialist
Operational Administration Officer
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TOP 5 joburi ideale
Raiffeisen Management Trainee Program
Director agentie
Asistent Director Hub
Ofiter de cont
Relationship Manager Top Clients
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38 de joburi

TOP 5 joburi ideale
Business Support Systems Integration Engineer
IoT Network Planning and Engineering
CORE IP Engineer
Field Dispatch - Service Desk with Italian
Junior DevOps
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38 de joburi

TOP 5 joburi ideale
Inginer Proiectant Cablaj
Vehicle Software Quality Engineer
Manager Proiect - Platforma
IT Support Engineer
Logistic Project Leader
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38 de joburi

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Ubisoft is a place where creativity, passion and innovation are the driving force and over 1500 people are at its core. And since you’ll be spending so much time with them, get to know them better. Enter the homeland of many epic games and be part of their world.
TOP 5 joburi ideale
Jr. Software Tester - DCC Products
User Interface Artist
Technology Software Tester
Lead Development Tester
Career & Development Specialist
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35 de joburi

At Allianz Technology SE, innovation is more a buzzword; it is the business of the day, every day. We are a professional expersise center offering a wide range of services: human resources, financial, actuary and IT support to the Allianz Group.
Actuarial Associate - Property & Casualty
SAP Expert / Consultant
Team Assistant with English
Recruitment Specialist
Financial Controller
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In Romania, Wipro has development centers in Bucharest and Timisoara and is present since more than 10 years. Today, the company's facilities in Romania serve more than 30 clients in Europe, supported by over 1200 employees. Wipro's clients span across the retail and consumer goods, healthcare, manufacturing and telecom industries, among others.
Service Desk Admin L1 /English
Travel & Expenses with Dutch
Cloud Support Engineer with English
Content Review Analysts with Spanish/Italian/Portuguese
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29 de joburi

Specialist Managementul Riscului IT
Specialist Contact Center
Project Manager
Personal Banker
Manager de Produs
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Michelin Romania has +4000 employees, who speak 20 languages, working in 20 different fields of activity and covering over 300 different jobs. The professional development opportunities we offer, the benefits package and the way we take care that our employees build a meaningful and diverse career brought us the Employer of the Year award in 2018!
TOP 5 joburi ideale
Controlling Analyst with English
Order Fulfillment Analyst with German and English
Senior General Ledger Analyst
Sales Analyst with French, Bucharest
Customer Data Analyst with German, Bucharest
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Internship - Functional Customer Support Advisor
Travel and Facility Associate
Junior Quality Engineer Technical
Change Analyst
Sales Operations Associate
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27 de joburi
TOP 5 joburi ideale
C# Software Engineer
COBOL Software Developer
Java Software Engineer Jr.
Windows Solution Designer
Service Desk Analyst with Italian
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24 de joburi

Procter & Gamble is a global company. They are the largest company in the world in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. The company manufacture over 60 brands (such as Gillette, Pampers, Ariel, Pantene, Old Spice, Blend-a-Med, Bonux, Head&Shoulders, Always, Fairy) to nearly 5 billion customers, competing in 160 marketplaces.
TOP 5 joburi ideale
Junior Brand Manager
Associate IT Manager
Supply Network Operations Specialist
Order Management Specialist - Logistics
Data Analytics and Insights Manager
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23 de joburi
Veeam is the global leader in Intelligent Data Management for the Hyper-Available Enterprise. Veeam Hyper-Availability Platform is the most complete solution to help customers on the journey to automating data management and ensuring the Hyper-Availability of data.
TOP 5 joburi ideale
Renewals Representative for Eastern Europe
Enterprise Architect
Product Marketing Manager VCSP Campaigns
Digital Marketing Expert LATAM
Business Partner, Finance Operations
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21 de joburi

Inside Marketing Specialist
Inside sales representative
Sales Finance Analyst
HR Expert Consultant
Technical Consultant with German
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20 de joburi

Orange este brandul sub care France Telecom furnizeaza servicii de comunicatii mobile, Internet si televiziune. Creativitatea, indrazneala, dinamismul, deschiderea, grija pentru detalii, consecventa definesc Orange in tot ce face. Orange inseamnã ca impreuna veti schimba tiparele si va veti dezvolta in continuare pentru a oferi serviciile de calitate de care consumatorii au nevoie, inovatie si transparenta.
TOP 5 joburi ideale
Squad Lead Developer
Senior Forecasting & Scheduling Specialist
Enterprise System Trainee/JR Linux Administrator
Corporate Help Line Representative
Forecasting&Scheduling Specialist
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