Ce inseamna sa fii proactiv la locul de munca. Sfaturi si exemple concrete
Descopera cele mai cool sedii ale companiilor de top care vor sa te angajeze
Mediul de lucru confortabil reprezinta un factor important in realizarea cu succes a activitatilor desfasurate zilnic de catre angajati. De ce? Pentru ca acesta creste productivitatea, dar si atentia. Majoritatea angajatorilor au inceput sa puna accentul pe detalii pentru a-i face pe angajati sa se simta bine la locul de munca, avand in vedere ca acestia petrec mai mult timp la birou decat acasa.
Lumina naturala, elemente decorative moderne, coloristica, open space, zone de relaxare si de luat masa impreuna cu colegii sunt doar cateva dintre aspectele asupra carora angajatorii si-au indreptat atentia in ultimul timp.
Daca nu ai avut posibilitatea pana acum sa vezi cu arata sediul companiei unde iti doresti sa lucrezi, iti propunem sa accesezi platforma Orasului Virtual al Joburilor - Angajatori de TOP Virtual si sa interactionezi cu sediile celor peste 160 de companii participante ce iti pun la dispozitie peste 9000 de joburi in toata tara pentru toate nivelurile de experienta.
Mai mult decat atat, mai jos ti-am pregatit o serie de imagini din sediile unora dintre companii participante, dar si cateva informatii relevante despre fiecare. Daca iti doresti sa descoperi mai mult, punandu-te in pielea angajatilor, te incurajam sa accesezi profilele companiilor unde cu ajutorul turului VR vei putea pasi in fiecare colt al sediului. :)
Profita de aceasta ocazie pentru a te asigura ca te identifici cu mediul de lucru din companie inainte de a ajunge la interviu.
DB Schenker GBS Bucharest
DB Schenker Global Accounting Shared Service Center is the partner for accounting excellence and support activities for international logistics. Together we aim to become the global reference in business services. We can ship your passion and skills to a promising future. We partner with our customers to design best in class finance and accounting services, sales and business services and operations support from across the group.
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At Genpact, we're the ones driving it. Each of us leads change by being curios, incisive and courageous in everything we do. Together, we turn everyday change into progress. Located at 300 m distance from Pipera Metro station, the whole building has been built to keep Genpacters sharp and efficient. Cozy lounge & social areas: 6 state of the art relaxation rooms, 400 parking places, bicycle parking with showers, Yoga studio and Afterschool.
TELUS International focuses on human connection and innovation to deliver exceptional customer service and next-gen IT consulting that wow clients and delight their customers. More than 30,000 employees around the world, from locations across North and Central America, Europe and Asia, enable over 200 million customer interactions annually via voice, email, chat and social media, across fast-growing tech, financial services and fintech, gaming, travel and hospitality, and healthcare industries.
Allianz Technology

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Automatic Data Processing - ADP Romania

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Kaufland Romania
Suntem o companie internațională din industria de retail, care pune accent pe performanta, dinamism si corectitudine. Impreuna formam o echipa puternica, in care fiecare angajat contribuie la succesul nostru. Locul tau e la Kaufland!

Michelin Romania
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Bosch Service Solutions
Bosch Service Solutions, a global provider of business process outsourcing services, develops integrated and innovative service solutions in the fields of mobility, monitoring and customer experience. The site in Timisoara, that became part of Bosch Group in 2007, operates in two fields: Business Services and Shared Services.

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BCR a creat cel mai amplu si consistent program de educație financiara din Romania, “Scoala de Bani”, prin cursuri pentru adulti si tineri, o expozitie mobila de educatie financiara pentru copii si o platforma digitală dedicata, toate acestea prin implicarea a peste 1.000 de profesori de educatie financiara, experti ai BCR.

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At Deloitte, we value innovative thinking, diverse insights and we strive to offer an exceptional level of client service through our expertise and professionalism. From the supportive and collaborative culture to the progressive learning and development, you'll experience from day one why Deloitte is a place thousands enjoy working.

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EY Romania
At EY we have a privileged perspective on business. We not only operate in over 150 countries, we also have insights into many of the world’s largest organizations and governments. This allows us to make predictions on trends which shape our future and change tomorrow in the process.

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At Kellogg`s we have a vision of enriching and delighting the world through foods and brands that matter, with the purpose of nourishing families so that they can flourish and thrive.

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Penny Market
In cadrul companiei noastre iti oferim perspective de dezvoltare intr-un mediu de lucru sigur si dinamic. La noi iti incepi cariera si te poti dezvolta profesional. Iti punem la dispozitie o structura organizatorica flexibila in care angajatii se afla in centrul atentiei.

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PepsiCo va ofera ceea ce este mai bun din ambele lumi: mentalitatea unui antreprenor plus accesibilitate și resurse. Cultura bazata pe cooperare si prezenta la nivel global, generează un flux de noi oportunitati pentru a defini viitorul si pentru a stimula dezvoltarea profesionala.

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A career at P&G offers exciting new challenges and a chance to touch and improve lives daily. Our people get involved – with their workplace, their community, their neighbors and each other. If you want a company whose actions reflect their ethics and whose people live their values, P&G is an excellent choice.

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Randstad is specialized in solutions in the field of flexible work and human resources services. Our services range from regular temporary staffing and permanent placements to in-house, professionals, search & selection, and HR Solutions.

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Regina Maria
Reteaua de sanatate REGINA MARIA si-a castigat pozitia de lider pe piata medicala romaneasca, prin calitatea serviciilor oferite si prin grija permanenta, manifestate atat in interiorul companiei, fata de angajati, cat si in exterior, fata de pacienti si parteneri.
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As the demand for energy increases so does our need for motivated talent to meet the engineering and technical challenges of today’s upstream oil and gas business. Schlumberger, including the OneSubsea technology segment have numerous career opportunities that will let you prove your abilities from your first day and throughout your career, and beyond into the wider world of Schlumberger.

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Societe Generale European Business Services
Activitatea SG EBS a crescut substantial in ultimii ani; de la un singur SSC specializat in domeniul Financiar in 2011, compania s-a tranformat intr-un centru complex ce ofera o gama extinsa de servicii : financiare, resurse umane, IT, iar ultima linie de business se concentreaza pe sustinearea functiilor corporate din domeniul operational, de tipul KYC (Know your Customer) sau back office.

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Total Global Services Bucharest
Total Group is world’s fourth-largest Oil and Gas Company, as well as a major integrated player in the Global Solar Industry. Backed by nearly a century of history we discover, produce, transform, market and distribute energy in a variety of forms, to serve the end customer.

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Veeam is the best employer for those who love to win! Every day, we’re building a work place that’s not just amazing, it’s Veeamazing! We’re always learning something new, developing and making things happen.

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Vodafone is the world’s leading telecommunications company. Millions of people in every corner of the globe choose Vodafone to talk, text and connect to data services that help them make the most of every day.

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