Digital Transformation Journey @ Bosch Service Solutions Timisoara

Bosch Service Solutions is a leading global supplier of Business Process Outsourcing for complex business processes and services. Using the latest technology and the Internet of Things, the Bosch division develops integrated and innovative service solutions in the areas of Mobility, Monitoring, and Customer Experience. Around 10,000 associates at 26 locations around the globe, support national and international customers in around 40 languages, primarily from the automotive, travel and logistics sectors as well as information and communication technology.

Bosch Service Solutions is National Partner at TOP Employers in Technology. Checkout the available jobs they have

The site in Timișoara delivers high-quality, tailored software solutions that respond to the customers’ needs, taking the time to understand the pain-points and problems they face in their daily jobs and offering solutions based on process mapping and optimization. An agile mindset combined with edge development skills are used to innovate and accelerate business solutions that need software and automation. The company consults in solving day to day business challenges and empowers developers to build, customize and extend the digital world. Because maturity models in digitalization are perpetually changing – like the power and capabilities of computers and smartphones – Bosch Service Solutions is continuously adapting, but at the same time, in the pilot’s seat for innovation and exploration of new ways to help its customers. Bosch is driven to innovate by the market as a whole, the customers with new ideas and mindsets regarding digitalization, and last but not least, by the company itself.

“We are a trusted partner for all our clients when it comes to digitalization. We are running multiple programs for digital transformation, in order to create new services like IoT, automation, integrated systems, customer engagement, customer experience via Omni channel, workforce enablement and other niche programs for Digital Transformation. The base principles of our company culture (quality, speed, flexibility, innovation) are the foundation on which we build upon, and only the methods through which we innovate are subject to the current trends or the race to be ahead of the market”
Teodor Partenie, Global Support for Business and Service Development at Bosch Service Solutions Timișoara.

Bosch Service Solutions is currently running projects in all processes of the company, aiming to take digitalization a step forward. The local strategy is based on two principles: implementation of global standards and deciding which technology would be the winner in terms of global adoption. In the last year, the team from Timisoara digitalized many processes, from governance to operation models, Human Resources and Facility Management processes, as well as integrated systems for BI (Business Intelligence).

“As an innovation leader, Bosch is continuously shaping and driving transformation. In the current context, this transformation revolves not only around new technologies, like Industry 4.0, Automation and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), but also around what is and what isn’t added value. We initiated open discussions with most of our clients and we are examining together what is essential and what is just nice to have. The bottom line that we as a service organization understand very well, is that value is what the customer defines as being valuable"
Raluca Românu, General Manager at Bosch Service Solutions Timișoara.

Bosch Service Solutions is National Partner at TOP Employers in Technology. Checkout the available jobs they have

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Oportunități de angajare prin DB Work la Angajatori de TOP - Timișoara, 18-19 octombrie