Ce inseamna sa fii proactiv la locul de munca. Sfaturi si exemple concrete
BEST Bucharest is a student NGO present in the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest. BEST Bucharest has organised, in its 18 years of activity, numerous events with and for the sake of students. We count up to 20 career events, 24 engineering competitions, 12 cultural exchanges and 29 academic courses so far, which have provided opportunities of learning and personal development for students from Bucharest and not only.
BEST Bucharest is part of BEST (Board of European Students of Technology), a non-governmental, nonprofit student organisation that is continuously growing. Since 1989, we have facilitated communication, cooperation and cultural exchange opportunities for all students of technical universities in Europe.
96 Local BEST Groups (LBGs) in 33 countries comprise a well-organised, youthful, innovative, strong and ever-expanding network of students.
BEST helps technical university students from Europe broaden their horizons by understanding the culture of technology and honing their skills in a multicultural setting. Projects that we carry out represent opportunities for students to meet and learn from each other, regardless of the nature of the event.
Since the ultimate goal of education is to get a job, BEST organises career events for students, thus helping them by easing communication with company representatives.
Our priority is to provide high quality services for all students in Europe. Hence, we try to bring close all partners in the student-company-university trio.
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