Over the past 15 years, Saga Film has grown from a small but very ambitious young team just starting in the field of TVC production to one of the biggest full production and service production companies in Romania.


In the relationship with our clients, the focus has always been on building long-term, mutually profitable collaborations, by providing the highest degree of quality in each project and the optimal cost-benefit ratio. We consider our customers our partners in creating truly valuable productions.


In putting together our team, we aim to combine the creativity of the most talented artists with the hard skills of the best production staff. People are our most important resource and we therefore strive to be a place where people can grow and achieve their maximum potential.


We recognize the importance of being a highly productive, fast-adapting organization and we are dedicated to building the reputation of a safe (preventing extreme situations and the need for management by crisis) and creative (flexible) production company.



Locuri de munca SAGA FILM

Angajari SAGA FILM