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Squad Lead Developer
This job is no longer active!View all jobs Orange activeView all jobs Squad Lead Developer active on Hipo.roView all jobs IT Hardware active on Hipo.roView all jobs IT Software active on Hipo.roView all jobs Telecommunication active on Hipo.ro |
Employer: | Orange |
Domain: |
Job type: | full-time |
Job level: | peste 5 years of experience |
Location: |
Updated at: | 07.04.2019 |
Remote work: | On-site |
Short company description
Orange este ceea ce suntem si ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi
În lume sunt peste 123 de milioane de oameni pe care îi despart distanţe, care vorbesc limbi diferite şi au moduri de viaţã diferite.
Dar toţi au ales acelaşi lucru: sã comunice aşa cum simt, sã priveascã cu deschidere şi optimism spre viitor.
Pe toţi îi apropie Orange, indiferent dacã trãiesc în Marea Britanie, Franţa, Elveţia, Belgia, Austria, Spania, Olanda, România , Moldova, Polonia, Slovacia, Rusia, Statele Unite ale Americii, China, Coreea, Japonia, India, Vietnam, Botswana, Camerun, Republica Dominicană, Egipt, Nigeria, Guineea Ecuatorială, Guineea Conakri, Guineea Bisau, Coasta de Fildeş, Uganda, Kenia, Republica Central Africană, Madagascar, Mali, Insulele Mauritius, Caraibe, Noua Caledonie, Reunion, Senegal, Vanuatu, India, Vietnam, Iordania, Bahrein.
Orange este brandul sub care France Telecom furnizeazã servicii de comunicaţii mobile, Internet şi televiziune. Grupul France Telecom este unul dintre liderii mondiali în servicii de telecomunicaţii, cu peste 183 de milioane de clienti pe cinci continente.
Creativitatea, îndrãzneala, dinamismul, deschiderea, grijă pentru detalii, consecvenţa definesc Orange în tot ce face.
Orange înseamnã cã vom schimba tiparele şi ne vom dezvolta în continuare pentru a-ţi oferi serviciile de calitate de care ai nevoie, inovaţie şi transparenţã.
În ceea ce facem, la Orange România, vom contura în fiecare zi mai clar ce înseamnã acest univers şi care sunt beneficiile pe care le aduce.
Te invitãm sã experimentezi Orange şi avem încredere cã împãrtãsim aceeaşi convingere: viitorul este într-adevãr senin.
Who you are:
• You are an experienced application developer passionate about latest technologies but you wish to make higher impact and have a larger personal footprint
• You are able to work comfortably in a fast-changing environment on interesting business and technical challenges in a digital telecom business
• You have a passion for efficiency, performance and continuous improvement and wish to project it on others
• You understand what YAGNI, KISS, SOLID and *clean-code* is
• You are all about sharing and collaboration with your teammates
• You develop, document and test your code
What you need to bring:
• Experience in building high-quality software design and architecture
• Previous experience in developing complex software by producing clean, efficient code
• Ensure software is up-to-date with latest technologies
• Java development skills: coding, testing and debugging new complex software solutions and enhancements to existing software
• HTML5/CSS33, JSON and familiarity with browsers intricacies
• Good communication skills (we enjoy chatting face-to-face and over Slack :D )
• High-performance Java for developing applications with Spring Boot, Spring container, Spring MVC, Hibernate
• Care about quality of the code and client's experience
What gives you advantage:
• Mastering Domain Driven Design modelling techniques
• REST API design and integration techniques
• High performance queuing and asynchronous messaging concepts
• Exposure to Javascript/AngularJS
• Self-starter who takes initiative and is proactive
• Previous practice with continuous integration systems (Teamcity/Jenkins)
• 5-8 years in Software Engineering
• 1+ years in Leadership
Orange Romania’s IT Digital Platforms Team is looking for a new colleague to lead an agile team of software engineers to develop software for MyOrange and orange.ro online shop. You will continue to code along with your squad while you will have the responsibility of delivering team roadmap as part of IT development division which counts more than 100 software development professionals.
We do both mobile and web development and we toy around with the coolest frameworks, languages and concepts such as Spring Boot, Reactive Streams, Bootstrap, AngularJS, OAuth2/OpenId, Docker/Rancher/Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Redis, responsive design, automated testing (Selenium, JMeter). Our tools of choice are IntelliJ, Teamcity, Artifactory, Slack, JIRA and Confluence but you are free to use whatever IDE you are most productive in.
We think our projects with a platform first approach and we design and build our software from ground up ourselves. Our team was involved in building MyOrange, online e-shop, Orange Money, Orange API platforms (micro-payments for Google, Microsoft and Samsung app stores, SMS, invoice payments, prepay recharge APIs for partners), backends for mobile applications, tvgo movie portal and all the new platforms meant to keep the customers informed and engaged with Orange. We fully embraced the concepts of micro services architecture and we always automate every step from build to deployment in live. We keep a close eye on the performance of the applications and monitor everything that counts.
The colleagues with whom you will interact are architects, business analysts, project managers, quality assurance engineers, other software developers like you, Ops teams and product owners.
Your work will impact the digital experience of over 10 million people who are Orange customers.
Roles and responsibilities:
• build, lead and develop code in a team of mixed skills professionals (frontend, backend, analysts and mobile) assigned to your team by chapter lead
• you will work closely with other squad teams and product owners to deliver features from product backlog
• work with engineers to design and implement new features and commercial offers in EShop/MyOrange platforms. You will be responsible for your squad backlog delivery and bug fixing in agile mode
• work closely with other squad leads and architect to ensure that platform is cohesive and consistent towards Orange users
• participate actively in backlog grooming, features definition, sprint planning and implementation and in scrum of scrums with other teams
• own squad sprint backlog and make sure features are delivered following SCRUM framework
• proactively report to management and business about work in progress and squad's roadmap delivery progress and outstanding issues
• grow and integrate team members and proactively support their continuous improvement
• monitor and improve team metrics, flow, software delivery standards and estimations
• always prioritize Orange customer's experience when interacting with our products on mobile and desktop screens by delivering high quality features iteratively
Thank you for applying!
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