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Enterprise System Trainee/JR Linux Administrator
This job is no longer active!View all jobs Orange activeView all jobs Enterprise System Trainee/JR Linux Administrator active on Hipo.roView all jobs IT Software active on Hipo.ro |
Employer: | Orange |
Domain: |
Job type: | full-time |
Job level: | Student/Graduate |
Location: |
Updated at: | 07.12.2018 |
Remote work: | On-site |
Short company description
Orange este ceea ce suntem si ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi
În lume sunt peste 123 de milioane de oameni pe care îi despart distanţe, care vorbesc limbi diferite şi au moduri de viaţã diferite.
Dar toţi au ales acelaşi lucru: sã comunice aşa cum simt, sã priveascã cu deschidere şi optimism spre viitor.
Pe toţi îi apropie Orange, indiferent dacã trãiesc în Marea Britanie, Franţa, Elveţia, Belgia, Austria, Spania, Olanda, România , Moldova, Polonia, Slovacia, Rusia, Statele Unite ale Americii, China, Coreea, Japonia, India, Vietnam, Botswana, Camerun, Republica Dominicană, Egipt, Nigeria, Guineea Ecuatorială, Guineea Conakri, Guineea Bisau, Coasta de Fildeş, Uganda, Kenia, Republica Central Africană, Madagascar, Mali, Insulele Mauritius, Caraibe, Noua Caledonie, Reunion, Senegal, Vanuatu, India, Vietnam, Iordania, Bahrein.
Orange este brandul sub care France Telecom furnizeazã servicii de comunicaţii mobile, Internet şi televiziune. Grupul France Telecom este unul dintre liderii mondiali în servicii de telecomunicaţii, cu peste 183 de milioane de clienti pe cinci continente.
Creativitatea, îndrãzneala, dinamismul, deschiderea, grijă pentru detalii, consecvenţa definesc Orange în tot ce face.
Orange înseamnã cã vom schimba tiparele şi ne vom dezvolta în continuare pentru a-ţi oferi serviciile de calitate de care ai nevoie, inovaţie şi transparenţã.
În ceea ce facem, la Orange România, vom contura în fiecare zi mai clar ce înseamnã acest univers şi care sunt beneficiile pe care le aduce.
Te invitãm sã experimentezi Orange şi avem încredere cã împãrtãsim aceeaşi convingere: viitorul este într-adevãr senin.
• Be graduated from a technical faculty (such as Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Cybernetics);
• Have good speaking and writing English skills;
• Have good communication skills;
• Show analytical thinking and attention to details, gained in participating to different projects and activities either curricular or extra-curricular
• Basic knowledge of Linux server systems;
• Basic knowledge of virtualization concepts and solutions;
• Basic networking knowledge (TCP/IP, Routing protocols etc.)
For the last 20 years, Orange is the leading telecommunication company in Romania.
We believe you have heard of us, the question is who are you?
Linux/UNIX systems, Storage & SAN, clustering solutions, automation development or backup solutions, cloud administration or virtualization. If any of these are familiar to you or sound really attractive, we may have a proposal for you.
The Enterprise Infrastructure Team is looking for a young colleague to join them. You may have the chance to administrate the entire Orange Romania UNIX infrastructure, basically the lowest level that supports the daily Orange activity. Sounds big? It is.
Advantages our next trainee will enjoy:
• A large scale of technologies to learn about. There is no chance one can get bored;
• The opportunity to focus on what he is good at and enjoys the most;
• The chance to learn from IT experts;
• Flexibility within the schedule and means of work;
• Dedicated projects that will highlight skills and knowledge;
• The opportunity to grow inside the team.
How you will know you will be good at this:
• You are eager to learn new technologies that support one the most desired jobs on today’s IT market;
• You are curious and used to think outside the box;
• You have a continuous will of self-improvement and a proactive way of taking actions;
• You possess a “can do or will try my very best to DO” attitude;
• You are not afraid of challenges that get greater in time;
• You have installed a Linux Virtual Machine on your personal computer and have enjoyed playing with it :).
In case you do not have the necessary experience or you haven’t had the opportunity to learn and develop the required skills, but you are willing to learn and you are permanently concerned to do more, come and meet us. Show us and prove your motivation and your desire to learn and to develop yourself in a challenging environment.
We’ll offer you every possible way of learning and improving your skills, from coaching inside the team or with other teams to online and in-class courses. And at the end of your one year traineeship program, there will be the possibility to become a permanent employee.
If you want to start BIG your IT career, here is the place.
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