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Webinar How to brand yourself for entry - level jobs/ internships or trainee programs @Angajatori de TOP Bucuresti

Companie: British American Tobacco Global Business Services
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Internship
  • Management Trainee
  • Tip anunt: eveniment
    Nivel anunt: Student/Absolvent
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Actualizat la: 07.04.2020
    Remote work: On-site

    Workshopurile din cadrul Angajatori de TOP Bucuresti se muta online si devin Webinarii. Te vei bucura de acelasi continut de calitate din confortul casei tale.

    Inscrie-te si te tinem la curent cu detalii despre desfasurarea acestora! In cazul in care ai facut-o deja vei primi toate informatiile necesare pentru a accesa webinariile la care te-ai inscris!

    Stai cu ochii pe noi!

    British American Tobacco is an ambitious, diverse, global business with more than 115 years of innovation behind and, also, an incredibly exciting future. This company has more than 55,000 talented, passionate people, with different perspectives and from a variety of backgrounds around the world.

     How to brand yourself for entry - level jobs/ internships or trainee programs

    Speakers – Diana Diaconu – HRBP si Jovana Palkovljevic – Jr HRBP

    Date: 7th of April, 11:00 - 11:45

    Good to know:

    • Subscribe to one or more webinars of your interest
    • We will send you a link to access and to JOIN the webinar
    • Make yourself comfortable, take your laptop or phone and prepare for 1 hour of valuable content, interesting topics for your personal, but also professional development. And something very important: to have a good internet connection
    • Prepare a series of questions that you can ask through the Q&A session at the end.