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Junior Technical Service Manager

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Employer: Orange
  • Telecommunication
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Updated at: 14.12.2012
    Remote work: On-site
    Short company description

    Orange este ceea ce suntem si ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi
    În lume sunt peste 123 de milioane de oameni pe care îi despart distanţe, care vorbesc limbi diferite şi au moduri de viaţã diferite.

    Dar toţi au ales acelaşi lucru: sã comunice aşa cum simt, sã priveascã cu deschidere şi optimism spre viitor.

    Pe toţi îi apropie Orange, indiferent dacã trãiesc în Marea Britanie, Franţa, Elveţia, Belgia, Austria, Spania, Olanda, România , Moldova, Polonia, Slovacia, Rusia, Statele Unite ale Americii, China, Coreea, Japonia, India, Vietnam, Botswana, Camerun, Republica Dominicană, Egipt, Nigeria, Guineea Ecuatorială, Guineea Conakri, Guineea Bisau, Coasta de Fildeş, Uganda, Kenia, Republica Central Africană, Madagascar, Mali, Insulele Mauritius, Caraibe, Noua Caledonie, Reunion, Senegal, Vanuatu, India, Vietnam, Iordania, Bahrein.

    Orange este brandul sub care France Telecom furnizeazã servicii de comunicaţii mobile, Internet şi televiziune. Grupul France Telecom este unul dintre liderii mondiali în servicii de telecomunicaţii, cu peste 183 de milioane de clienti pe cinci continente.

    Creativitatea, îndrãzneala, dinamismul, deschiderea, grijă pentru detalii, consecvenţa definesc Orange în tot ce face.
    Orange înseamnã cã vom schimba tiparele şi ne vom dezvolta în continuare pentru a-ţi oferi serviciile de calitate de care ai nevoie, inovaţie şi transparenţã.

    În ceea ce facem, la Orange România, vom contura în fiecare zi mai clar ce înseamnã acest univers şi care sunt beneficiile pe care le aduce.

    Te invitãm sã experimentezi Orange şi avem încredere cã împãrtãsim aceeaşi convingere: viitorul este într-adevãr senin.


    Expected behavior/attitude:

    - We expect him/her to be a proactive person with strong influencing approach and to search for solutions
    - To be strongly focused on the strong interpersonal & communication skills to influence and mange key relationships
    - It is key to have very good analytical skills (to analyze situation quickly and be able to summarize quickly problems to management).

    Required skills:

    - A good knowledge of software application evolution and interfaces
    - Basic/medium knowledge of any database (Oracle, SQL etc)
    - Experience with Unix/Linux

    Specific knowledge / abilities required:

    - Previous experience in operations environment
    - A first hands on experience in the supervision / administration of service platforms
    - ITIL knowledge

    Languages and levels required:

    - English: fluent
    - French: advanced



    OLPS (Orange Labs Products and Services) provides services to Orange Companies across Europe and AMEA and is looking for new colleagues in Bucharest team on Technical Service Management role. The aim is to improve the efficiency of activities performed for services, leading to improved customer experience and overall quality of service.

    Main missions :
    Departmental objectives are to
    • Manage quality of product according to SLA level agreed with Group Marketing
    • Support technical operations as domain technical and functional experts
    • Responsible of product operability
    Main objectives
    Junior TSM directly contributes to Skill centers (SKC) departmental and service objectives, therefore they will be responsible for:
    • Contributes to SKC’s processes definitions
    • Contributes to processes lead by operations (Incident Mng, Change Mng, Problem Mng)
    • Responsible/Contribute to Capacity management process
    • Responsible/Contribute the Defect Management process
    • Contributes to Supplier Management process & defines the necessary Supplier KPIs to ensure agreed product KPIs
    • Contributes to Crises on behalf of SKC as expert on product domain
    • Ensure E2E QoS is measured or contribute/develop the means to measure it
    • Report on product quality to Group Marketing/ SKC
    • E2E analysis and proposal based on technical and functional knowledge to improve / monitor the QoS


    Participation in meetings with Operations teams for QoS Product Improvement
    Lead/Contribute to Capacity reviews to assess relevant status and define areas for further improvements (remodeling threshold breaches based on Marketing forecasts)
    Manage defects seen in live platform and where necessary contribute to new releases content in line with defect resolution
    Contribute to SLA definition, with internal and external suppliers
    Supply guidance on the required product KPIs for new releases/product
    Define new scenarios for probe based on product evolution and follow the implementation
    Analyze logs from different environment to extract accurate data and propose QoS improvement