
Orase: BUCURESTI, Cluj Napoca, Galati, Iasi, Ploiesti, Timisoara,
Industrie: Servicii&BPO

Hi, we're Concentrix.

Life with us? It's more than just a paycheck. It's a fun-filled, future-building, community-connected, find-your-people lifestyle. We want everyone to have every opportunity to be the best version of themselves. And we offer everyone that opportunity.

Here, you have the green light to dream big. Because you belong. You make the difference. And you can succeed on your terms.

Experience the power of a game-changing career.

Apply now - Submit your CV @Concentrix - Summer Career Fair 2024

We believe in putting people at the core of everything we do. Whether we're reinventing operating models, engaging with your customers, or enhancing the skills of our global game-changers, we use technology with a single purpose: to create amazing experiences for the people that matter most.

We’re not looking for perfect people. We just aim to be the right team for you. At Concentrix, you will always make a difference, whether you are working with us from one of our great offices or from the comfort of your home.

You can dream of what your life could be and then make it happen. Everything is possible. It’s your chance to try something new. Fill your brain. Make a move. Learn a skill. Then learn another. We’ve got your back every step of the way.

Check out some of our benefits:
  • Performance bonus
  • Paid trainings & coaching sessions
  • Private medical subscription
  • Deduction on eyeglasses
  • Work anniversary bonus 
  • Discounts & vouchers to a varierty of partners
  • Opportunities to work abroad with the International Mobility Program
  • Opportunities to work on-site, hybrid or fully remote
  • Flexible benefits to choose whatever you please
  • Initiatives to increase your wellbeing: mental health assistance, sport challenges & more
And, of course, a great community that's your biggest fan.

Are you looking for a company that cares for you and the planet in equal parts? Continue reading...

No matter what we’re doing, we’re always doing the right thing. It’s just how we roll. So, throw on a cape and use your superpowers for good. Our vision is to foster and cultivate an inclusive, equitable and sustainable future for our game-changers, our communities and our planet.

And we don't stop here.

Aplica spontan! * Companie favorita
Daca niciunul din joburile disponibile in acest moment pe
ale aceste firme nu vi se potrivesc insa ati dori sa obtineti o
pozitie aici, puteti trimite CV-ul dvs. aplicand spontan!
Urmareste aceasta companie ca sa vezi ultimele joburi postate.

Locuri de munca Concentrix

Companie Oras(e) Data
Opportunities @ Concentrix Romania

0 - 1 an experienta


Concentrix BUCURESTI
Junior AML Analyst with French - On-site, Bucharest

0 - 1 an experienta

What you will do in this role As an AML Analyst on our team, you will: • Conduct an end-to-end investigation on alerts • Follow various step-by-step flows, comprising an account activity review which includes internal and external research • Determine one of the following outcomes: the alert[..]

Concentrix BUCURESTI
Back-Office Analyst with French - On-site, Bucharest

0 - 1 an experienta

What you will do in this role As a Back-Office Analyst on our team, you will: Conduct an end-to-end investigation on alerts Follow various step-by-step flows, comprising an account activity review which includes internal and external research Determine one of the following outcomes: the alert is a[..]

Concentrix BUCURESTI
Content Reviewer with German & English – On-site, Bucharest

0 - 1 an experienta

What you will do in this role As a Content Reviewer on our team, you will: Do content moderation on the platform of one of the biggest clients Understand and remain up to date with content policies and guidelines Review content (could be in text, image, audio, video, or any other format) acco[..]

Concentrix BUCURESTI
Customer Service Representative with English - On-site, Bucharest

0 - 1 an experienta

Ce vei face în acest rol Ca Reprezentant Servicii Clienți, vei fi un adevărat supererou al soluțiilor, gata să creezi experiențe excepționale pentru clienți: • Vei fi primul punct de contact al clienților noștri, interacționând cu ei prin apeluri, chat sau email, cu empatie și profes[..]

Concentrix BUCURESTI
Reprezentanți Servicii Clienti – On-site, Galati

0 - 1 an experienta

Abilitatiile tale Concentrix este potrivirea ideală dacă: • Ai cunoștințe avansate de limba română și nivel de bază/mediu de limba engleză (A1/A2) • Ești proactiv(ă), motivat(ă) și orientat(ă) spre soluții • Ai bune abilități de utilizare a PC-ului • Ești disponibil(ă) să[..]

Concentrix Galati
Reprezentant Servicii Clienti - Italiana&Engleza - Iasi

0 - 1 an experienta

Calificările tale Concentrix este potrivit pentru tine dacă: Ești fluent sau bilingv în italiană (C1) și engleză (B1/B2) Ești proactiv, motivat și orientat spre soluții Ești disponibil pentru un program full-time sau part-time, în ture între 9:00 – 18:00 (pauză de prânz de 1 oră)[..]

Concentrix Iasi
Job national
Consultant Servicii Sportive – on-site Galați

0 - 1 an experienta

Responsabilități: - Răspundeți rapid și eficient la probleme, întrebări, reclamații și comentarii ale clienților prin intermediul mai multor canale. - Construiți relații durabile și încredere cu clienții printr-o comunicare deschisă și interactivă. - Furnizați servicii excepți[..]

Concentrix Galati

Joburi Concentrix

Companie Oras(e) Data